Friday, August 24, 2007

Robotic webcam officially an evil genius... I built a robotic
web cam that can be controlled via the internet. It can
move left and right or to any point on a 180 degree radius.
It uses vex robotic parts, a programming controller, a
wec cam, imagr capture software, and a web server. I'd give
you the link to check it out but I don't want hundreds of
people checking it out and breaking it or worse ... Hacking
my network. If any one wants to check it out though just
drop me a line and ill send you the link.

My beautiful wife informs me that I'm not "that" important, and perhaps hundreds of people don't visit my blog... so I'm pretty safe in posting the link to the web cam here.... But be gentile with it - it's still in alpha... ;-)

1 comment:

Tara Petty said...

excuse me, but it is october, and you have not posted any recent pictures. i am waiting. :)